Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Apartment

The kitchen, and walk-in pantry through the doorway. The washer and dryer are also in the pantry area, but I now have 8' or so of pantry, 4 shelves high... it's fabulous!

The dining room. I know, there is no table. We're working on that part... I want a tall, square table in a medium-to-dark wood, with a matching hutch. We're saving our pennies.

The entertainment center area. The plan is to find an armoire to sit in the space that will hold everything... armoires big enough for the television are hard to find, though! For now, while it isn't the most aesthetically pleasing, it is functional.

The living room

This is our new home! Although the space is layed out differently, we actually have just a touch more square footage than we did before, and quite a bit more storage space. Areas like bedrooms and bathrooms look pretty much the same from house to house, so those are not included. :) However, these are the interior living spaces that we enjoy!


  1. Something I love about Jaime: She would prefer a walk-in pantry to a walk-in closet:) Thanks for posting pictures, I like seeing where you live now since I probably won't be able to see it in person.

  2. You're right, I do prefer a walk-in pantry... but I do also have a walk-in closet in this apartment! :)
