Thursday, October 21, 2010

Final Paper for Final Class

Woo-hoo!!! I just submitted my final paper for my final class... the only thing I have left to do in my MBA program is to finish offering the workshops, tally survey results, and write my results and conclusion chapter. I'll be working on that as of Thanksgiving weekend, as I should have had enough workshop participants by then to calculate results and draw conclusions. :)

I'm almost done!!!


  1. WAHOO! That's awesome James, way to go! You are amazing and I'm so happy for you and proud of you.

    GO Jaime, Go Jaime, GO, GO! (insert picture of me with pom-poms cheering for you, haha)

  2. You're amazing Jaime! Way to what will you do with all that extra time?? :o) I'm sure you have a list of goals/projects/etc. that you will pick right up to continue to blow us all away. Keep up the good fight!

  3. I second Holly & Amanda's comments... WooHoo! You are amazing, totally amazing. Sure do love you.

  4. Seriously, Sister, you are a ROCK STAR!!! And I'm so excited that you'll be done by the time we come visit you in December so we can have you ALL TO OURSELVES!!!
