Sunday, May 13, 2012

Baby Cows

We bought baby cows! Meet our calves:

Baby Peter - he's a feisty one! He is pretty reactive and responsive, and was the first of the two to take the bottle. He loves Crystal and I; Josh says it's our "woman scent". :)

Baby Samson - he's been a bit slower to take to the bottle; we were worried about him last night. Finally this afternoon he got hungry enough to eat. He has a bit of red in his coat (this picture was in the shade, so it's hard to see his coloring).

Josh feeding Samson

We're pretty excited!

The back yard has been prepared for planting (which will be our project in the next week or so). Now that the cows are here, our next goal is to build the chicken coop and get some chickens. :)

Welcome to the Davis Farm!


  1. I must be honest and confess, you and a farm are not the scene I ever had in my mind :D I still see you in your black velvet shoes standing on the porch of the Montessori school not wanting to step down and play because you might get dirty! But I can hear the pride in your voice at being self sufficient... so I am excited for you! Your beef, Wayne's vegetables, the salmon from fish camp... We are definitely a self-sufficient bunch! Can't wait to see pictures as Peter & Samson grow :)

  2. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Are you letting people come and visit?
