Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dinner, and Lessons Learned

I had planned for dinner to be a simple affair - burritos. But, I was home a little earlier than planned and decided to be ambitious. So, I made taquitos! I mixed the stuffing (ground beef, refried beans, cheese, and salsa), and then fried the corn tortillas for 15 seconds or so per side. Once fried, I put the stuffing in the middle and rolled them tightly, putting them in a 9x13 pan. Once the pan was filled, I topped them all with a little cheese and baked on 350 for 15 minutes.

While my taquitos were baking, I decided I would make my own chips. :) I cut my corn tortillas in triangles and dropped them in my hot oil already on the stove. I turned them after a few seconds, then took them out - lesson learned (or remembered)... things cooked in oil continue to cook after they are out of the oil! Some of my chips were too done to enjoy (aka, burned!), but most were pretty tasty.

All in all, a really great dinner. And, I'm feeling pretty great about my first attemp with taquitos and chips! Especially for a Wednesday meal. :)


  1. I love homemade chips, so yummy! Way to be ambitious:)

  2. They were a bit thick, which I like, but not everyone else did. Oh well, more for me! :)
