Sunday, March 28, 2010

Movie Day

Today is a perfect movie day. I have been recording Hallmark movies for the last week or so, and have 4 or 5 on the DVR. So, while I'm doing laundry and baking banana bread, I think I'll be watching them! I'm half-way through one, and have a fresh pot of coffee waiting for me. I think I'll refill my cup, start another load of laundry, and enjoy the day of Hallmark movies!


  1. I love days like that! Totally relaxed, stay at home, get a few things done and being able to kick back all at the same time... my ideal day. They are far and few between. Maybe it's meant to be that way so I treasure them when they come around :)

  2. I hope you enjoy your day; movie days are the best!
