Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! This year has had its ups and downs, as all years do I suppose. At the beginning of 2010 my resolution was to live a life of gratitude. I may not have done so each day as intended, but overall have found myself finding more things to be grateful for, and spending less time wishing for what could be and more time grateful for what is.

2011 will bring changes as well, and it is my intention to remain grateful throughout the year, regardless of what the external factors and forces of life may include. I am grateful for my family, extended and immediate, particularly for my husband. I am grateful for wonderful friends, and a career I enjoy working in an industry I find rewarding and fulfilling. I am grateful for my Lord, who guides me through it all.

Happy New Year! I hope 2011 brings joy and blessings - and that we are privileged to share in many of them.


  1. Well said Jaime. I too hope 2011 brings many joys and the Lord's richest blessings for all of us.

  2. I love the idea of finding things to be grateful for everyday, it really does make a huge difference in my attitude.

    YAY for 2011!
