Sunday, April 3, 2011

Caramel Apples

We love the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. We treat ourselves a couple of times a year. Today was one of those times! My favorite is the Apple Pie, with lots of cinnamon. Josh loves the Butterfinger. Audri chose Oreo today... and thoroughly enjoyed it!

Josh and I had ours cut up so we could eat it without as much of a mess, but Audri wanted hers whole. It seemed more fun to eat that way!

Can you see the Oreo crumbs on her nose?

It's a yummy treat. I can only eat a couple of slices at a time, so mine usually lasts 3-4 days. Unless someone else (ahem) gets into it to "help" me. :)


  1. Those sound and look delicious! I have a few food "helpers" around here too:)

  2. I want to go! I'll treat in June, okay? My oldest food helper is still at home with me... and still 'helping' ;D

  3. I'm JEALOUS!!! I L-O-V-E those things!!!!

    Maybe you could mail me one? Wasn't it you who just told me that pregnant women get whatever they want? :)
