Monday, November 14, 2011

Fundraising... And A New Bio Picture

I've spent the last month or so fund-raising for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (thank you to all those who supported me!). As part of my nomination as one of Treasure Valley's Finest Young Professionals, I was able to participate in a photo shoot and was given a new picture to use in my bio. 
Honestly, I wasn't excited about the idea of the photo shoot at first... but was pleasantly surprised with the picture!

I learned a lot this month about fund-raising... it's hard! But, I had a wonderful experience, and was touched by the generosity of so many people as I raised both money and awareness in the fight for a cure for Cystic Fibrosis.


  1. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Love this picture, it turned out so great. :)

  2. Great picture! So glad you posted it. Sure am proud of you :)

  3. Gorgeous!!! Seriously, you look fabulous! I love you lots and am so proud of you!

  4. I love this picture! You look fabulous!
