Sunday, April 25, 2010


Today is our 5th wedding anniversary! It's amazing how quickly the time has flown. We've had our ups and downs, and I'm sure we'll continue to do so, but we have been very blessed in the past year. We were able to start celebrating last night with our friends, Brent and Angie, whose anniversary was the 21st... I prepared us a 3 course meal (Italian Wedding Soup, Salad, then Stuffed Steak and Twice Baked Potatoes), and then we all went to the Boise Little Theater to see Twelve Angry Men. After the play, which was incredibly well done, we returned home to enjoy some Strawberry Cheesecake. It was scrumptious! And, a perfect evening with some fabulous friends. :)

Today we've been able to just enjoy one another's company... as the day continues, I can't help but the that I love my husband, and am so grateful for the five years we've been blessed with!


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! We're thinking of you. Love & miss you, Mom and Dad.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a delicious meal and a fun way to celebrate. Love you guys!

  3. Five years? That's like a decade! Way to go you two!
